Month: July 2022

Circadian Rhythm and Potential risks of shift workers

Circadian Rhythm and Potential risks of shift workers

Though obtaining full respite through sleeping is inevitable for humanity, present day 'graveyard shifts' or shift workers are locating implications of potential risks. 15-20 % of working population in industrialized countries is accustomed to some kind of permanent night and rotatory shift works. And intercontinental or transmeridian  travel across several time zones of the globe will disrupt the natural sleep-wakeful cycle and exposure to light at a typical biological times will also afflict their circadian rhythm. When the circadian clock becomes out of sync the hormones will thrown off balance and lead to fatigue, and abilities of brain will become dulled. Here, it tries to analyze the potential risks of shift workers with a special reference to the Islamic concepts on sleep. The ph...
Celebrating Our Covenant with Allah Almighty
Economy, History

Celebrating Our Covenant with Allah Almighty

The Hajj is fundamentally about celebrating the Anniversary of our primordial Covenant with Allah, which He took upon humanity before our earthly existence: “And remember when your Lord brought forth from Adam’s descendants, from their loins, their offspring and made them bear witness upon themselves saying, `Am I not your Lord?’ They said, ‘Certainly, we bear witness”((Surat al-‘A'raf: 172)) ​It is in the valley of Na’man’, which according to some commentators lies on the plain between Mina and ‘Arafat where the pilgrims set out their tents, where Allah took this ancient Covenant with all of humanity, from the first of them to the last of them. Here He manifested Himself to them in another dimension of existence, asking them “Do you recognize Me as Your Lord?” To this, we responded indi...
Medina: The Initial Phases of Urban-Nation Initiation

Medina: The Initial Phases of Urban-Nation Initiation

Hijra was full of hardships. Messenger Muhammed ﷺ got to Medina safely with the protection of Allah almighty from the hands of Quraish. He migrated to Medina with precise plans nonetheless, the circumstances around were not so apparel. Tribal conflicts and wars were the image of customary. The economic and outdated social issues remain comparable. Another major challenge was the rehabilitation of the Muhajirs, who arrived from Meccah. Altogether, the people of Medina had countless hopes in the Messenger. Messenger entered Yathrib (old name of medina) in the face of several crises. The Messenger cautiously took each step alike. It was the commencement of the history that transformed an uncultured society to furthermost civilised society. The messenger was well cognisant of the stipula...