
Still Do You Want to Keep Your Hands Aside?

Still Do You Want to Keep Your Hands Aside?

When my friend Al Ameen from UK had visited Kerala for the last time we had talked of a lot of things. Among that he remembered an incident of Shaikh Ibrahim Osi Efa, a UK based scholar using his prayer bead, while taking a class, within his pocket while his fingers moved them slowly. Ashraf Nurani, another friend of mine, had also recollected such an incident when he met Syed Farid Al Attas, a well-renowned academician and author, at an academic conference. He was busy writing with one hand and the other hand was moving the rosary beads along. The two instances I mentioned here prove us how popular these prayer beads have become in the daily life of common person, ranging from scholars to academicians to traders. Used by some, when praying and person influenced by religion in their de...