Month: February 2023

Aam-ul-Huzn in the Light of Maslow’s Self Actualization Framework

Aam-ul-Huzn in the Light of Maslow’s Self Actualization Framework

Personality is one of the areas of psychology that holistically looks at a person as an individual and a complex creature. Humans may have many similarities and yet be different in so many respects. Much research has revealed that researchers attempted to establish a meaningful relationship between personality and various aspects of human behavior. These include but are not limited to, Freud, Allport, Adler, Bandura and Rogers. The definition of personality, as given by Hergenhahn and Olson, explains that personality allows someone to be more effective socially as he is seen as possessing an attractive personality or else in the absence of such a personality, the person may be seen as bad or has no personality at all. One’s personality is seen to be unique and special so it differentia...