Fahad AP Palad

Fahad AP is an independent researcher at WIRAS, India. He is currently pursuing a BA and LLB. His major area of study follows Modern Law and Literature in English.
Marital Age of Women: Subject to Change Or Not?
Article, Society

Marital Age of Women: Subject to Change Or Not?

The practice of matrimony is clearly one of the most notable social and relevant systems on the crust of the earth once and for all. At the heart of most families lies the social and honest relationship between a man and a woman. As this process is considered as part and parcel of society, it has a clear outlook at every turn, especially in marriage as society aims at many goals in a marriage process, such as giving birth to a new generation, shaping an exemplary society, providing comfort and peace to mind and body.   Unfortunately, nowadays Islam is facing a plethora of sharp edged-accusations from different walks of life on the certain misunderstanding that Islam is promoting child marriage. As a matter of fact, what they are doing is barking up the wrong tree. It is sure...
Sheikh Jeelani; Epitome of Ideal Islamic Propagation

Sheikh Jeelani; Epitome of Ideal Islamic Propagation

Companions of Allah's Messenger, Tabi's and later spiritual scholars were appointed to protect and circulate Islamic Sharia in the length and breadth of the world after the demise of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The lifetime of Allah's Messenger was regarded as a milestone in the records of Islamic history for the brightness of faith spread highly, shining with flying colours all along the world. With the passing of Khairul-Qurun(better centuries) which included the Khulafa'u Rashideen and other Imamsmams, the radiant Islamic glory began to fade little by little.   It was at that time, Sheikh Jeelani who is still alive in the minds of thousands came to the world at Allah's beck and call on the mission of transplanting the germinating seeds of ign...