
Celebrating Our Covenant with Allah Almighty
Economy, History

Celebrating Our Covenant with Allah Almighty

The Hajj is fundamentally about celebrating the Anniversary of our primordial Covenant with Allah, which He took upon humanity before our earthly existence: “And remember when your Lord brought forth from Adam’s descendants, from their loins, their offspring and made them bear witness upon themselves saying, `Am I not your Lord?’ They said, ‘Certainly, we bear witness”((Surat al-‘A'raf: 172)) ​It is in the valley of Na’man’, which according to some commentators lies on the plain between Mina and ‘Arafat where the pilgrims set out their tents, where Allah took this ancient Covenant with all of humanity, from the first of them to the last of them. Here He manifested Himself to them in another dimension of existence, asking them “Do you recognize Me as Your Lord?” To this, we responded indi...
Universe: Origin and Its Existence
Economy, Jurisprudence

Universe: Origin and Its Existence

The universe is ground to several or hundreds of thousands of species and objects. The learning of everything that exists on the planet or universe (the entire system of things) is called cosmology. This is a relatively new branch of physical science. Here we will be unable to answer some of the big questions such as “is the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing or created by an intelligent designer? Is the universe infinite? And how did it come into being? Will it ever come to an end? Humans have begun to find some kind of conceptual framework for answering questions about the planet or universe or world and their relationship to it. Here we could get numerous theories on the origin of the universe like the Big Bang, Steady State theory, and theory or belief of creation by th...
Phycology: A Contemplation Through Islam and Modernity
Economy, Theology

Phycology: A Contemplation Through Islam and Modernity

  The foremost intent of studying psychology would be gaining proficiency in abnormal psychology or psychopathology, one of the sub-branches of the field is a scientific study on maladaptive or distress in behavior, mood, and thinking and on its causes and treatments. The ancient physicians had sought acquisition of pathological mastery than theoretical consciousness on psychology. Innumerable books on the history of psychology assert the stance that before the medieval period, psychopathological comprehension had been more familiar than psychology itself, studies psychology then had been less apparent and more available than in abnormal psychology in turn. In the Islam-occupied dynasties at its profound territories like Baghdad, Egypt, Cordoba, and Gondhishapur mental health estab...