
Homosexuality in a Fast-Changing World: What Science and Islam Say?
Article, Religion, Science

Homosexuality in a Fast-Changing World: What Science and Islam Say?

(Source: ArtStation) The speed at which the world is traveling today towards the future at times makes us stand in complete awe. But at times we are also too stunned to even realize the changes happening around us that we just go with the flow regardless of the steep dangerous fall that awaits us. The changes in our society, especially relating to homosexuality is of prime concern in terms of the consequences it has on our life. While some people fall into the direct pitfalls of homosexuality most others become sympathetic onlookers only because of their lack of knowledge and misunderstandings about it. Understanding homosexuality becomes inevitable in one's life. Until the 1970s homosexuality was considered by psychiatrists around the world to be a mental illness for which the p...
Sheikh Jeelani; Epitome of Ideal Islamic Propagation

Sheikh Jeelani; Epitome of Ideal Islamic Propagation

Companions of Allah's Messenger, Tabi's and later spiritual scholars were appointed to protect and circulate Islamic Sharia in the length and breadth of the world after the demise of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The lifetime of Allah's Messenger was regarded as a milestone in the records of Islamic history for the brightness of faith spread highly, shining with flying colours all along the world. With the passing of Khairul-Qurun(better centuries) which included the Khulafa'u Rashideen and other Imamsmams, the radiant Islamic glory began to fade little by little.   It was at that time, Sheikh Jeelani who is still alive in the minds of thousands came to the world at Allah's beck and call on the mission of transplanting the germinating seeds of ign...
Circadian Rhythm and Potential risks of shift workers

Circadian Rhythm and Potential risks of shift workers

Though obtaining full respite through sleeping is inevitable for humanity, present day 'graveyard shifts' or shift workers are locating implications of potential risks. 15-20 % of working population in industrialized countries is accustomed to some kind of permanent night and rotatory shift works. And intercontinental or transmeridian  travel across several time zones of the globe will disrupt the natural sleep-wakeful cycle and exposure to light at a typical biological times will also afflict their circadian rhythm. When the circadian clock becomes out of sync the hormones will thrown off balance and lead to fatigue, and abilities of brain will become dulled. Here, it tries to analyze the potential risks of shift workers with a special reference to the Islamic concepts on sleep. The ph...
Universe: Origin and Its Existence
Economy, Jurisprudence

Universe: Origin and Its Existence

The universe is ground to several or hundreds of thousands of species and objects. The learning of everything that exists on the planet or universe (the entire system of things) is called cosmology. This is a relatively new branch of physical science. Here we will be unable to answer some of the big questions such as “is the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing or created by an intelligent designer? Is the universe infinite? And how did it come into being? Will it ever come to an end? Humans have begun to find some kind of conceptual framework for answering questions about the planet or universe or world and their relationship to it. Here we could get numerous theories on the origin of the universe like the Big Bang, Steady State theory, and theory or belief of creation by th...
Phycology: A Contemplation Through Islam and Modernity
Economy, Theology

Phycology: A Contemplation Through Islam and Modernity

  The foremost intent of studying psychology would be gaining proficiency in abnormal psychology or psychopathology, one of the sub-branches of the field is a scientific study on maladaptive or distress in behavior, mood, and thinking and on its causes and treatments. The ancient physicians had sought acquisition of pathological mastery than theoretical consciousness on psychology. Innumerable books on the history of psychology assert the stance that before the medieval period, psychopathological comprehension had been more familiar than psychology itself, studies psychology then had been less apparent and more available than in abnormal psychology in turn. In the Islam-occupied dynasties at its profound territories like Baghdad, Egypt, Cordoba, and Gondhishapur mental health estab...
The Regress of Knowledge: Understanding the Concept of Salafism in Traditional Islam
Religion, Theology

The Regress of Knowledge: Understanding the Concept of Salafism in Traditional Islam

The term Salafism like jihad has been absorbed into mainstream Western media discourse, especially with the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Much of the use of this term, however, is conceptually shrouded in confusion even in academic circles. Contemporary discussions on Salafism in the academia can be broadly categorized under those that grapple with the subject from the perspective of political science, and those who do so from a religious studies perspective. The former tend to discuss the concept in a fleeting manner usually by not much more than identifying Salafism’s theoreticians, such as Abdul Wahhab and Ibn Taymiyya and focus instead on the political, economic and the social dimensions behind the rise of Salafi movements. There is, accordingly, little interest...
What it means to be a “progressive Islamist”
Politics, Religion, Theology

What it means to be a “progressive Islamist”

The Muslim intellectual tradition is full of instances of contestation over the meaning and implications of many of its major concepts such as Sunna (custom or habit), Salafism, imam (belief or faith), tawhid (oneness or unity), and jihad (struggle), to name but the most prominent few. It is little wonder, then, that these and other major concepts in the Muslim intellectual tradition have been appropriated throughout Muslim history by various religious and political actors, with various degrees of success. Hence certain groups or actors were able to monopolies some of these concepts and came to be regarded or, indeed, simply to regard themselves as their most faithful, if not the only legitimate, interpreters. This history of contested interpretations is sometimes forgotten in the analys...
A search through prophetic traditions in the light of Covid, pandemic

A search through prophetic traditions in the light of Covid, pandemic

Muhammad Salman Abdul Azeez The entire community is concerned about the spread of Covid-19, which has quaked the entire world. As the Covid-19 pandemic is indeed global in reach, it is injecting pressure to the governments and medias to provide the most accurate and effective direction to the whole humanity, how to combat this pandemic. Hence, it is of great value to health care professionals and scientists who research the impact and transmission of pandemics. The whole world of science is working hard to invent the drug or vaccine to tackle the corona virus. The government is also working hard in all countries by announcing the break the chain measures and by giving awareness on quarantine and cleanliness. The experts like medical officers are advising that the good hygiene and ...