
Medina Charter: The First Form of the Constitutional Concept

Medina Charter: The First Form of the Constitutional Concept

The rehabilitation of the Muhajirs and the fusion of the tribes had made Medina sufficient for nation-building. The basic social problems of the nation were solved through this. Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) began to think of the Constitution as the most important element of a nation. Every nation gains a complete structure when its laws and civil rights are determined. This process named as 'Medina Charter’ was the decisive point in Medina’s National building. Medina was a plural society consisting of diverse religions and tribal societies. The aim of the Charter was to unite them all under a single framework once and for all. Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) framed the Constitution of Medina in such a way that it could be followe...
Medina: The Initial Phases of Urban-Nation Initiation

Medina: The Initial Phases of Urban-Nation Initiation

Hijra was full of hardships. Messenger Muhammed ﷺ got to Medina safely with the protection of Allah almighty from the hands of Quraish. He migrated to Medina with precise plans nonetheless, the circumstances around were not so apparel. Tribal conflicts and wars were the image of customary. The economic and outdated social issues remain comparable. Another major challenge was the rehabilitation of the Muhajirs, who arrived from Meccah. Altogether, the people of Medina had countless hopes in the Messenger. Messenger entered Yathrib (old name of medina) in the face of several crises. The Messenger cautiously took each step alike. It was the commencement of the history that transformed an uncultured society to furthermost civilised society. The messenger was well cognisant of the stipula...
Hijra; an expedition to anew Civilization

Hijra; an expedition to anew Civilization

The Hijra is always been one of the most vital factors in Islamic history. when the preaching of Islam in Makkah was so difficult, the messenger (ﷺ) and his followers depart in search of new fallows. It was after Abyssinia and Ta’if that messenger (ﷺ) chose Medina for Hijrah. Above and beyond the Islamic calendar is based on the Hijra, the most conversed themes in history of Islam is the migration to Medina. Hijra was not furnished in an overnight as some had projected, it was after three years of sporadic preparation, the messenger and his followers decided to emigrate. Believers instigated migration to Medina individually and in groups at different times by Parting their home, homeland and relatives and they decided to foldaway for the sake of Allah. Mus’ab ibn Umair (ر) and Umm Makhthoo...